Fernlicht uses sensor networks and public space illumination to visualize nightly movement and activity at the University of the Arts Bremen.
University of the Arts Bremen
Annual Exhibition
Fernlicht was developed to track nightly movement and activity at the University of the Arts Bremen using sensor networks. All gathered information can be distilled to anonymized data and transferred from the harbor site to distant spots within the heart of the city. Adapting to the requirements of individual locations, activity is to be visualized by different means of ambient illumination such as window matrices of office buildings or street lighting. Project Fernlicht also developed a lightweight, inexpensive light module for rapid deployment of large-scale matrices where no other lighting infrastructure is available.
Used: AVR-based sensor platforms and data routing nodes (Ruby on Sharp Zaurus for serial to TCP forwarding), custom light matrix control boards, small-scale architectural mock-ups for lighting design demonstrations, and various propaganda materials.
with M. Fröhlich, K. Gohlke, A. Kasperek, C. Lischka, F. Meier, M. Teichert, A. Wiegand